VUB survey investigates the use of Ter Kamerenbos

VUB survey investigates the use of Ter Kamerenbos

Whether to keep the Ter Kamerenbos open for traffic or to close it off was at the centre of a heated debate over the past weeks. In collaboration with the Brussels Studies Institute (BSI), researchers from VUB and ULB are therefore launching a survey to map the use of the parc. The questionnaire includes questions about the current use of the Ter Kamerenbos, the wishes for its future, mobility habits and the use of green spaces.

Da Schio: "With the survey we hope to get a better knowledge of the people for and against, and what their motivations are. This information can be useful for the groups and parties on both sides and can enable them to better express their claims. With the results that  the debate is more nuanced and less polarised”.

The questionnaire can be completed in Dutch, French and English and takes about 5-10 minutes to complete. The questionnaire is anonymous and the data will be processed in an aggregate manner. The results will be published early 2021.


For more information, contact:

Nicola da Schio

0485 75 62 27

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Lies Feron
Lies Feron Persrelaties Vrije Universiteit Brussel
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