Preview: Prof. Wim Thiery (VUB): Trump's measures will have a global and visible impact on the climate

Prof. Wim Thiery (VUB): Trump's measures will have a global and visible impact on the climate

COOLSCHOOLS Final Conference: Nature-Based Climate Shelters in School Environments for Urban Transformation 

COOLSCHOOLS Final Conference: Nature-Based Climate Shelters in School Environments for Urban Transformation 

On January 23 and 24, 2025, the EU-funded research project COOLSCHOOLS will hold its final conference at Brussels Environment, located in Tour & Taxis. 

Belgian-led Team of Researchers Brings Back Impressive Haul of Meteorites during Antarctic research expedition

Belgian-led Team of Researchers Brings Back Impressive Haul of Meteorites during Antarctic research expedition

An international team led by Belgian scientists has recovered 115 Antarctic meteorites weighing more than 2 kg (in total) during the ongoing 2024-2025 BELgian Antarctic Research Expedition (BELARE).

Asteroid impact sulfur release less lethal in dinosaur extinction

Asteroid impact sulfur release less lethal in dinosaur extinction

Previous studies have posited that the mass extinction that wiped the dinosaurs off the face of the Earth was caused by the release of large volumes of sulfur from rocks within the Chicxulub impact crater 66 million years ago. A new study by an international team led by Katerina Rodiouchkina (Luleå University of Technology Sweden, UGent and VUB in Belgium) questions this scenario. Using groundbreaking empirical measurements of sulfur within the related Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary layer, the international team has demonstrated that the role of sulfur during the extinction has been overestimated.

World first - First ever transplant of frozen testicular tissue after chemotherapy during childhood provides hope for fertility restoration

World first - First ever transplant of frozen testicular tissue after chemotherapy during childhood provides hope for fertility restoration

VUB Study Reveals Origins of Lunar Water and Its Connection to Earth's Early History

VUB Study Reveals Origins of Lunar Water and Its Connection to Earth's Early History

A team of international scientists has unveiled groundbreaking research on the origins of lunar water, offering insights that could reshape our understanding of the Earth-Moon system and the broader solar system. The pioneering study explores the isotopic signatures of lunar water, revealing a mix of indigenous and cometary sources.

Tailored Cancer Treatment: VUB Research Predicts Which Patients Benefit from Immunotherapy

Tailored Cancer Treatment: VUB Research Predicts Which Patients Benefit from Immunotherapy

A team of scientists led by researchers from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) has developed a new technology to precisely predict and monitor cancer patients' responses to immunotherapy.

VUB Research: Today’s Lonely Youth Are Tomorrow’s Lonely Elderly

VUB Research: Today’s Lonely Youth Are Tomorrow’s Lonely Elderly

Research by the VUB reveals that elderly people struggling with persistent feelings of loneliness often experienced moments of deep loneliness earlier in life. These feelings are frequently linked to past experiences of loss or the absence of a warm family environment during their youth, which made them more vulnerable.

Archaeologists, including a VUB researcher, find evidence of an early violent confrontation in the Bronze Age

Archaeologists, including a VUB researcher, find evidence of an early violent confrontation in the Bronze Age

A new era of allergy treatment: scientists unveil the early molecular key to curing life-threatening allergies

A new era of allergy treatment: scientists unveil the early molecular key to curing life-threatening allergies

Study uncovers the early immune responses that make insect venom immunotherapy the gold standard for curing severe allergies, offering hope for improving treatments worldwide.

VUB and VIB launch new Bio Incubator Brussels on VUB campus

VUB and VIB launch new Bio Incubator Brussels on VUB campus

Catalyst for collaboration and biotechnological innovation

Flemish Support Helps Our Fiction Shine Internationally

Flemish Support Helps Our Fiction Shine Internationally

Commissioned by the Minister of Media and the Department of Culture, Youth, and Media, Mediapunt has analyzed the funding of Flemish fiction series, documentary series, and films over the past ten years. “This research highlights that our Flemish fiction continues to excel thanks to the strong foundation of Flemish public support and local players. International collaboration offers additional opportunities, but it remains our responsibility to protect and strengthen the unique power of Flemish storytelling. Our Flemish fiction is truly world-class,” says Flemish Minister of Media Cieltje Van Achter. The study was conducted by imec-SMIT-VUB, led by Professor Tim Raats.

Global Glacier Melt Accelerating, New Study Projects Significant Mass Loss Through 2100

Global Glacier Melt Accelerating, New Study Projects Significant Mass Loss Through 2100


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Vrije Universiteit Brussel is an internationally oriented university in Brussels, the heart of Europe. By providing excellent research and education on a human scale, VUB wants to make an active and committed contribution to a better society.

The World Needs You

The Vrije Universiteit Brussel assumes its scientific and social responsibility with love and decisiveness. That’s why VUB launched the platform De Wereld Heeft Je Nodig – The World Needs You, which brings together ideas, actions and projects based on six Ps. The first P stands for People, because that’s what it’s all about: giving people equal opportunities, prosperity, welfare, respect. Peace is about fighting injustice, big and small, in the world. Prosperity combats poverty and inequality. Planet stands for actions on biodiversity, climate, air quality, animal rights... With Partnership, VUB is looking for joint actions to make the world a better place. The sixth and last P is for Poincaré, the French philosopher Henri Poincaré, from whom VUB derives its motto that thinking should submit to nothing except the facts themselves. VUB is an ‘urban engaged university’, strongly anchored in Brussels and Europe and working according to the principles of free research.



Press - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel