VUB and Daughters for Life Foundation sign scholarship program for female students from the Middle East

VUB and Daughters for Life Foundation sign scholarship program for female students from the Middle East

The Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the Daughters for Life Foundation (DFL) are joining forces to provide young women from Palestine with access to higher education. Through a new scholarship program, talented but financially vulnerable students will have the opportunity to pursue a master’s degree at VUB. This initiative, officially signed today, marks the first step in a broader collaboration that may, in the future, also support students from other Middle Eastern countries.

The Daughters for Life Foundation was founded by Palestinian physician Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, a Nobel Peace Prize nominee. In 2009, he lost three daughters in an Israeli airstrike and has since dedicated his life to peacebuilding through education. "Education is the key to peace and progress," says Abuelaish. "By supporting young women, we give them the opportunity to build a better future for themselves and their communities. I am proud that we can realize this scholarship program with VUB.”

VUB shares this vision. "Education is a lever for development, and for many Palestinian women, higher education remains out of reach," says Jacqueline Couder, Director of the International Relations Office at VUB. "With these scholarships, we want to give them the chance to achieve their academic ambitions and life goals, thereby contributing to their community and a more just world."

VUB Rector Jan Danckaert also emphasizes the importance of this initiative. "As an urban engaged university committed to inclusion, social engagement, and cooperation with the Global South, we believe that education should transcend borders and build bridges. This program not only provides students in difficult situations with access to knowledge and a diploma. By focusing first on candidates from Palestine, we aim to contribute to the reconstruction efforts following the devastating conflict there."

A scholarship that transforms lives

The new scholarship program is primarily aimed at Palestinian female students who excel academically, face financial hardship, and have overcome personal challenges. The scholarship covers tuition fees and living expenses for the full duration of the master’s program (12 to 24 months).

The selection process follows VUB’s regular application procedure, with the Daughters for Life Foundation conducting a preliminary selection and assisting students with practical matters such as visas and travel arrangements to the host institution.

The first scholarship under this program will be awarded for the 2025-2026 academic year.

Funding and partnerships

Funding for the program comes largely from VUB’s own resources and VLIR-UOS funds through the Global Minds program, which provides scholarships for students from developing countries. Additionally, efforts are ongoing to secure external partners and fundraising initiatives to expand the number of available scholarships.

Recently, Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish attended the pre-premiere of I Shall Not Hate. The VUB interview with him can be accessed here:

Signing by VUB Rector Jan Danckaert and Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish



Jacqueline Couder
​Director International Relations Office VUB

About Daughters for Life Foundation

More info about Daughters for Life Foundation:

Leen Vandevelde
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The Vrije Universiteit Brussel assumes its scientific and social responsibility with love and decisiveness. That’s why VUB launched the platform De Wereld Heeft Je Nodig – The World Needs You, which brings together ideas, actions and projects based on six Ps. The first P stands for People, because that’s what it’s all about: giving people equal opportunities, prosperity, welfare, respect. Peace is about fighting injustice, big and small, in the world. Prosperity combats poverty and inequality. Planet stands for actions on biodiversity, climate, air quality, animal rights... With Partnership, VUB is looking for joint actions to make the world a better place. The sixth and last P is for Poincaré, the French philosopher Henri Poincaré, from whom VUB derives its motto that thinking should submit to nothing except the facts themselves. VUB is an ‘urban engaged university’, strongly anchored in Brussels and Europe and working according to the principles of free research.


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