Secular humanism in turbulent times

Secular humanism in turbulent times

On the occasion of World Humanist Day on 21 June, VUB historian Niels De Nutte discusses the role of secular humanism in our challenging times. De Nutte studies the history of euthanasia in Belgium and in an interview gives valuable insights into how secular humanism can be a beacon of rationality and compassion in a complex and changing world.

De Nutte describes the roots and evolution of humanism. He explains how this philosophical sphere, with its emphasis on reason, science and ethics, not only counterbalances dogmatic and irrational tendencies but can also be a positive force in promoting social justice and individual freedom.

“Secular humanism offers a framework in which human values and autonomy are central,” says De Nutte. “In an era in which populism and disinformation are rising, it remains essential that we commit to critical thinking and human solidarity.”

In contemporary society, with its undertones of social and political tensions, secular humanism absolutely remains relevant. De Nutte underlines the importance of open dialogue and education in maintaining and strengthening the core values of humanism.


Read the full interview (in Dutch):

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Koen Stein
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