Languages in Brussels, Belgium and Europe: Multilingualism, minority languages & language conflicts

Languages in Brussels, Belgium and Europe: Multilingualism, minority languages & language conflicts

Prof. Jeroen Darquennes is VUB-Francqui Chairholder 2021-2022

On Friday 6 May 2022, Prof. Jeroen Darquennes,Professor of German Linguistics at the University of Namur, will give the inaugural lecture of his lecture series for the VUB-Francqui Chair 2021-2022.  The lecture series focuses on 'multilingualism and language contact'. In five lectures, Prof. Darquennes will reflect on the opportunities and challenges of the multilingual reality in Brussels, Belgium and Europe.

Both the theme of the lectures and the chairholder's expertise underscore the ambition of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel to be an active player in the multilingual European educational area. The focus on multilingualism and language contact highlights one of the university’s research spearheads, and reflects VUB's institutional and social anchoring in multilingual Brussels

The research of prof. Jeroen Darquennes focuses on language contact and language conflict, with particular attention to language minorities in Europe. He is, among others, editor-in-chief of the series Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft and of the journal Sociolinguistica

The VUB-Francqui-Chair is organised annually with the support of the Francqui Foundation. In the academic year 2021-2022, the chair is hosted by the Faculty of Languages and Humanities of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.


  • Friday 6 May: 10-12. Aloïs Gerlo Auditorium, D.2.01.

Inaugurale lezing: Taalwetenschap en de architectuur van de Europese samenleving. (In Dutch).

  • Wednesday 11 May: 10-12. Lecture room  D.3.09.

Il est défendu de parler breton et de cracher à terre – over de rol van minderheidstalen in het Europese onderwijslandschap/taalonderwijs. (In Dutch).

  • Thursday 12 May: 10-12. Lecture room  D.2.16.

Language standardization and the future of (unique) European minority languages. (In English).

  • Friday 13 May: 10-12. Lecture room  D.3.09.

Geen taalcontact zonder taalconflict: Nelde’s Law revisited. (In Dutch).

Thursday 19 May: 10-12. Lecture room  D.2.16.

Belgians and their languages in the 21st century. (In English).


You are cordially invited to the inaugural lecture (followed by a reception) on Friday 6 May 2022 at 10 AM in the Aloïs Gerlo Auditorium of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (room D.2.01 ‘Promotiezaal', Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels). Please confirm your attendance by sending an email to Wim Vandenbussche (

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Lies Feron Persrelaties Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Lies Feron
Lies Feron Persrelaties Vrije Universiteit Brussel
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1050 Brussel