VUB Conference: What are the (environmental) challenges of landmines and how does policy address them?

VUB Conference: What are the (environmental) challenges of landmines and how does policy address them?

With representatives from mine-affected countries, mine action experts, and donors

On July 4th, the Brussels Diplomatic Academy (BDA) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is organizing the conference “Confronting the Landmine Challenge: Environmental Implications and Policy Responses”. The event will bring experts, diplomats, and policymakers together to share field experiences and best practices. New Belgian support for APOPO activities in Azerbaijan will also be announced.

You will have the opportunity to engage with:

  • Anna Bouchier, Director of Partnerships for Europe, APOPO (HeroRATS)
  • Xavier Depreytere, Odyssey2025, Innovation Project Manager, Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion (Drone involvement in mine detection)
  • Embassy of Azerbaijan/Azerbaijan representatives
  • Slobodan Tadic, Deputy Resident Representative, UNDP Azerbaijan

Please confirm your attendance by July 3rd via or +32 471 09 17 24.

Practical Information
​Thursday, July 4th, 2024
​9:00 AM – 1:00 PM, reception until 2:00 PM
​Promotiezaal, VUB Etterbeek Campus, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Elsene

Language: English


  • 09.00-09.30: ​ Registration
  • 09.30-09.40: ​ Welcome by Gunter Gaublomme, Director, Brussels Diplomatic Academy
  • 09.40-11.00: ​ Panel 1 The Context of the Landmine Challenge
    • Chair Dr Cailin C E Mackenzie, BDA
    • ​ Panellists
      • Slobodan Tadic, Deputy Resident Representative, UNDP Azerbaijan
      • Vugar Suleymanov, Board Chairman, Mine Action Agency of Azerbaijan (ANAMA)
      • His Excellency Mr Sakal Nong, Ambassador of Cambodia
      • Ambassador/Representative of Colombia
      • His Excellency Dr Bachar Brahim Adoum, Ambassador of Chad
  • 11.00-11.15: ​ Coffee Break
  • 11.15-12.35: Panel 2 Confronting the Landmine Challenge – Experiences from the Field and Best Practices
    • Chair Dr Cailin C E Mackenzie, BDA
    • Panellists
      • David Cullen, Head of Unit, EU Directorate-General for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG-NEAR)
      • Samir Poladov, Deputy Chairman of Board, ANAMA
      • Anna Bouchier, Director of Partnerships for Europe, APOPO
      • Xavier Depreytere, Odyssey2025, Innovation Project Manager, Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
  • 12.35-12.50: Ceremony for Belgium’s new support for APOPO’s demining activities in Azerbaijan
    • ​ Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    • ​ Representative of APOPO
    • ​ Representative of Azerbaijan
  • 12.50-13.00: Concluding Remarks
  • 13.00-14.00: Reception and Networking

Dr. Cailin Mackenzie
​Brussels Diplomatic Academy
​+32 (0) 473 45 80 69

Sam Jaspers
Sam Jaspers Woordvoerder a.i.



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