VUB Organizes Symposium on Sleep and Sleep Medicine
On Thursday, March 14, ahead of World Sleep Day, the University Dental Center of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (UTC-VUB) is organizing the symposium “Sleep and Sleep Medicine: The Role of Dentists, Speech Therapists, ENT Specialists, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, and Dental Hygienists in the Clinical Care Pathway.”
The program spans the entire day and focuses on a practical approach to sleep-related orofacial dysfunctions. These are disorders occurring in the oral and facial region during sleep, which can manifest in various ways, negatively affecting a person’s health and well-being, such as teeth grinding and sleep apnea.
The symposium frames these dysfunctions within a broad international context. Various international opinion leaders will speak and come together to develop an evidence-based platform in collaboration with national and international universities and professional organizations. The aim of this platform is to develop and promote guidelines for post-academic training and practice for the care providers involved.
8:30 AM – 9:00 AM: Registration
9:00 AM – 9:15 AM: Introduction
UTC, VUB, UZ Brussel: Common Role in Diagnostics and Therapy for Sleep Dysfunction
Prof. Dr. Miche De Meyer (VUB) & Dr. Sonia De Weerdt (UZ Brussel)
9:15 AM – 10:45 AM: Training and Screening OSAS: Part 1 & 2
- The Role and Training of Orofacial Clinicians in Sleep Medicine (National and International – Dutch)
- Prof. Dr. Miche De Meyer (VUB)
- Bio-markers in OSAS Screening (English)
- Prof. Dr. Susana Falardo (U Católica Portugal; EADSM)
10:45 AM – 11:15 AM: Coffee Break
11:15 AM – 12:45 PM: Keynote
How Orofacial Dysfunctions Interfere with Sleep Quality: From Research to Clinic
Prof. Dr. Gilles Lavigne – CHUM Montréal
12:45 PM – 1:45 PM: Lunch
1:45 PM – 3:15 PM: Keynote
The Link Between Sleep Bruxism and OSA with Oral Appliance Therapy
Prof. Dr. Cibele Dal Fabbro – Université de Montréal
3:15 PM – 3:45 PM: Coffee Break
3:45 PM – 5:15 PM: Clinical Duos in OSAS Therapy
- ENT Specialists in Evidence-Based Screening and Therapy for OSAS
- Prof. Dr. Olivier Vanderveken (Ibedsma & UZA)
- Myofunctional Therapy in OSAS: Do’s and Don’ts
- Prof. Dr. Susana Falardo (U Católica Portugal; EADSM)
- Preventive Orthodontics for OSAS
- Prof. Dr. Karlien Asscherickx (VUB)
- Preventive and Curative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for OSAS
- Dr. Ellen Collier (UZA)
5:15 PM – 8:30 PM: Reception
Practical Information
Date: Thursday, March 14, 2024
Location: UTC, Laarbeeklaan 103, Building K, 1090 Jette, Brussels Health Campus
Contact Person:
Inge Cornillie
+32 473 27 23 61