Knowledge Centre Data & Society of VUB, KU Leuven and UGent launches AI and Ethics in Practice learning network
Monday 12 December 2022 - Artificial intelligence is one of the most talked-about technologies today. And while the business world has enthusiastically embraced this technology, there are still questions among companies and governments about the ethical and legal issues. The challenges are well known, but it can be difficult to take them into account in practice in AI projects. To address this, the Knowledge Centre Data & Society is organising a learning networking event on Wednesday 14 December on artificial intelligence and ethics. The first meeting of this learning network, AI and Ethics in Practice, is for people who encounter ethical challenges related to data-driven applications and AI in their professional practice.
The Knowledge Centre Data & Society regularly receives questions from governments and companies on how to start using artificial intelligence, while considering the technology’s social impact. The centre – consisting of the university research groups imec-SMIT-VUB, CiTiP of KU Leuven and imec-MICT-UGent – is launching a learning network to connect experts around artificial intelligence so they can share their experiences, knowledge and insights. It aims to encourage knowledge exchange between academics, governments and business and bring together ethics officers, digital ethicists and similar profiles to learn and seek solutions to societal challenges together.
The Knowledge Centre Data & Society is part of the Flemish Artificial Intelligence Policy Plan and receives support from the Flemish government.
You can register for the event here.
- 15.30: Welcome
- 15.40: Keynote speaker: Douwe Schmidt (Project Manager Public Tech at City of Amsterdam)
- 16.00: The Ethics in Practice learning network
- 16.20: Co-creation and discussion on ideas for and objectives of the network
- 17.00: Open stage “How do you approach ethics in practice?”
- 17.30: Networking drink
- 19.00: Close
More information
Pieter Duysburgh 0486 79 42 04