International Conference Brings Together Abortion Care Providers from Around the World

International Conference Brings Together Abortion Care Providers from Around the World

On September 20 and 21, abortion providers, healthcare workers, and researchers from across the globe will gather for the 15th edition of the FIAPAC Conference at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in Brussels. FIAPAC is the International Federation of Professional Abortion and Contraception Associates. The federation supports abortion care providers worldwide and connects them through webinars and a biennial conference. The theme of this year’s edition is “Building the Case for Reproductive Choice.”

With more than 500 participants, over 50 speakers from as many different countries, and around 130 submitted abstracts, this promises to be an exceptionally engaging edition. FIAPAC focuses on high-quality abortion care, sharing new scientific insights, and learning from one another. Abortion remains a hot topic, as seen in the United States, where the abortion debate is dominating the election battle between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

"Europe is also seeing significant developments," says Nausikaä Martens from VUB and president of FIAPAC. "Countries like Denmark, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden are actively advancing progressive abortion legislation. In Belgium, the debate over a new abortion law has been reignited following the publication of a scientific expert report with 25 recommendations, including extending the pregnancy term for abortion and abolishing the mandatory six-day waiting period. These topics provide rich material for thought-provoking sessions and discussions during the conference."

"In the Netherlands, the limit for pregnancy termination is set at 22 weeks, and since last year, a flexible waiting period for abortion has been in place. This means that the client, in consultation with the abortion physician, determines how much time they need to make a well-informed decision. This can range from 0 days to 10 days, depending on their needs," says Raïna Brethouwer, president of the Dutch Society of Abortion Physicians (NGvA).

Contraception is also extensively covered at FIAPAC. Topics include the real effects of hormonal contraception on the body, counseling about 'natural contraceptive methods,' the role of social media and Artificial Intelligence in contraceptive choices, and the latest updates on the new hormone-free contraceptive pill currently being tested in Moldova.

During the closing session on Saturday, VUB’s Dr. Anne Verougstraete and Prof. Em. Jena-Jaques Amy will be presented with a "pro-choice life achievement award" by FIAPAC, with support from VUB.

More info:

Read the program here.

Info & contact

-Nausikäa Martens, voorzitter FIAPAC:

email: tel: +32 494789851

-Karin Brandell, spreker uit Zweden (ENG):

email ​ tel: +46 730735568

-Raïna Brethouwer, voorzitter van de NGvA, abortusart en FIAPAC-boardmember:



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