Afsluiting van het UNU-CRIS AMIREG project met conclusies

Discussies over de samenwerking tussen de EU en Afrika op het gebied van migratie gebeurt meestal vanuit een eurocentrisch perspectief. Maar wat willen Afrikaanse staten op het gebied van migratie? Wat zijn hun belangen en standpunten ten opzichte van de agenda van de EU?


Het UNU-CRIS AMIREG-project African migration: Root Causes en Regulatory Dynamics heeft dit onderzocht. Het project ging dieper in op wat Afrikaanse actoren en Afrikaanse migratie drijft via uitgebreid veldwerk en talrijke interviews in Ghana en Senegal. Het slotevenement zal de belangrijkste bevindingen van het project presenteren met beleidsaanbevelingen.

Evenement - in het Engels

When: Wednesday 3 April 2019 - 18:00-19:30

Where: United Nations University CRIS - Potterierei 72, 8000 Brugge

Registration via The event will be followed by a small reception



Presentation of the research results by the project team:

Prof. Ilke Adam and Prof. Florian Trauner (Political Science Professors at VUB) -  Prof. Ilse Ruyssen (Professor in Economics, UGent) - Dr. Sara Salomone (post-doctoral project researcher)  and Leonie Jegen (project researcher)

Discussion of the research results by:

Omar Ba - former coordinator of African Platform (Belgium), historian and diversity consultant

Ndey Haddy Jeng - Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Republic of The Gambia in Brussels

Kumut Imesh - refugee and documentary maker (who made a film of his migration ‘Revenir’ -  founder and president of ACSORE - Actions of Solidarity for Refugees, France



Prof Ilke Adam and Prof. Florian Trauner, political science professors at the VUB Institute for European Studies (IES). At IES they coordinate the research group on migration and diversity. Their research interests are immigration and integration (policy) from the international to the local level.

Ilke Adam (Dutch, English, French) - 0475 38 87 27 - [email protected]

Florian Trauner (German, English, French, Dutch) - 0485 246 551 - [email protected]


UNU-CRIS AMIREG project -  African Migration: Root Causes and Regulatory Dynamics

The AMIREG project is divided in two Work Packages which look respectively at the root causes of migration from Africa and multi-level migration governance in West Africa, particularly in Ghana and Senegal.

Work Package 1: providing a deeper understanding of the root causes of migration with a specific focus on the role of financial incentives and constraints. It also looks to identify the effectiveness of, and scope for, regional agreements to ease mobility responses to such geo-localized shocks. Both economic and non-economic determinants are being explored by exploiting an original suitable micro dataset which has not been largely explored in the academic literature yet.

Work Package 2: understanding the interest in, and the consequences of, a tighter regulation of mobility in West Africa as opposed to non-regulation. Moreover, AMIREG intends to investigate to what extent the regulatory agenda of intra-African migration is a product of interactions with external actors such as the EU (and its Member States) or the United Nations. The second work package moves beyond a purely empirical focus and develops a systematic and comparative case study design by focusing on migratory and regulatory issues in Senegal and Ghana. The two countries are relevant from the perspective of intra-African immigration and (international) emigration.





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Ilke Adam Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Lies Feron Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Ilke Adam Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Lies Feron Vrije Universiteit Brussel
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